14 - 15th October 2024 / Bandar Lampung - Indonesia

the 5th international conference on applied sciences, mathematics, and informatics (icasmi)

"Harmonization and Collaboration of Natural Sciences, Physics, Informatics, and Material Science for Improvement and
Implementation of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data."


The 5th International Conference on Applied Sciences, Mathematics, and Informatics (ICASMI) 2024, a prestigious event dedicated to fostering the harmonization and collaboration between the realms of Natural Sciences, Physics, Informatics, and Material Science for the advancement and application of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. The conference (oral and poster presentation) will be held in hybrid, offline at the Emersia Hotel and online, on October 14-15th 2024, this hybrid conference aims to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical implementation, bringing together a diverse group of leading academics, researchers, and professionals from around the globe. Join us in exploring innovative solutions and forging meaningful connections within the scientific community, all while contributing to the significant growth of interdisciplinary research and development.

About The Conference

The International Conference on Applied Sciences, Mathematics, and Informatics (ICASMI) is a distinguished biennial event organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Universitas Lampung. As a pivotal gathering, ICASMI encourages the intersection of natural sciences, physics, informatics, and material science, especially in their contributions towards Artificial Intelligence and Big Data advancements. This event aims to provide a comprehensive platform for researchers, academics, and industry experts to explore, exchange, and elevate ideas within a collaborative and innovative environment. By fostering these interdisciplinary connections every two years, FMIPA Universitas Lampung continues to enhance the global scientific dialogue and spur technological progress, making each conference a milestone event in the academic and professional calendar.


  1. Physics: Instrumentation, Theoretical Physics, Material Physics, Energy, Nuclear, and Applied Physics
  2. Chemistry: Physical, Organic, Analytical, Inorganic, Biochemistry, and Applied Chemical Technology
  3. Informatics: Information System and Technology, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Network, E-Business, Embedded System
  4. Mathematics: Statistical Inference, Forecasting, Multivariate Analysis, Simulation and Modeling, Numerical Analysis, Algebra, Combinatorics, and Applied Mathematics
  5. Biology: Botany, Zoology, Ecology, Microbiology, Biotechnology, and Applied Biology
  6. The Application of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in Agriculture, Medical, and Engineering


  • Steering Committee:
    • Prof. Dr. Ir. Lusmeilia Afriani, D.E.A., I.P.M (Rector of Universitas Lampung)
    • Dr. Eng. Heri Satria, S.Si., M.Si (Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences)
  • Organizing Committee:
    • Chair: Favorisen R. Lumbanraja, Ph.D
    • Secretary: Enur Azizah, M.Si
  • Guest/Lead Editor:
    • Prof. Dr. Sutopo Hadi, M.Sc.


  • Prof. Dr. Yunusa Umar (Jubail Industrial College-Saudi Arabia). SCID: 9248307800
  • Dr.rar.nat. Neni Sinta Wardani (BRIN PRLTB). SCID: 55368354500
  • Prof. Dr. Sal Prima Yudha (Universitas Bengkulu). SCID: 8730255500
  • Dr. Nazarudin, M.Si. (Universitas Jambi). SCID: 57193922612
  • Prof. Warsito (Universitas Lampung). SCID: 57218625482
  • Umi Hamidah, PhD. (BRIN PRLTB). SCID: 55368950000
  • Prof. Neti Yuliana (Universitas Lampung). SCID: 57193898408
  • Prof. Sutopo Hadi (Universitas Lampung). SCID: 26534077400
  • Prof. Admi Syarif, Ph.D (Universitas Lampung). SCID: 6508046463
  • Endang Linirin Widiastuti, Ph.D (Universitas Lampung). SCID: 57203381473
  • Prof. Wasinton Simanjuntak (Universitas Lampung). SCID: 55308196300
  • Prof. Dr. Bambang Irawan, M.Sc. (Universitas Lampung). SCID: 57211009077



Dr. rer. nat. Roniyus Marjunus, M.Sc.
Educational and Cultural Attaché of the Indonesian Embassy at Berlin, Germany (Materials Physics)
Dr. Ing. Irfan Ahmad
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (Computer Science)
Prof. Dr. Yunusa Umar
Jubail Industrial College, Jubail, Saudia Arabia (Chemistry)
Dr. rer. nat. Neni Sintawardani
BRIN PRLTB (Environtmental Health)
Prof. Wamiliana, Ph.D.
Universitas Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia (Mathematics)



Prof. Dr. Hadi Susanto
Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UEA (Mathematics)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Yusof Darus
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Shah Alam, Malaysia (Cyber Security)
Dr. Richard Stephen Moore
Yayasan International Animal Rescue Indonesia (Biology)
Dr. Junaidi, S.Si., M.Si.
Universitas Lampung (Physics)
Prof. Andi Setiawan
Universitas Lampung (Chemistry)
Dr. G. Nugroho Susanto, M.Sc.
Universitas Lampung (Biology)
Dr. rer. nat. Akmal Junaidi, M.Sc.
Universitas Lampung (Computer Science)


ICASMI Programs

the Conference

14 Oct 2024

Join us for a series of enlightening sessions at ICASMI 2024 to explore the latest trends and challenges.

  • Participate in Expert Panel Discussions with leaders in the fields of AI and Big Data across Natural Sciences, Informatics, Physics, and Material Science. Gaining insights into future directions and innovations.
  • Enjoy Research Presentations from top academics and professionals showcasing the latest findings and developments.
  • Engage in Interactive Q&A Sessions that allow for deeper understanding and clarification of complex topics, enhancing both learning and networking opportunities.


11 - 12 Oct 2024

Our hands-on workshops are designed to enhance practical skills in the rapidly evolving field of biotechnology with a focus on PCR techniques

  • Practical Training on PCR Testing Techniques that covers everything from sample preparation to the interpretation of results.
  • Hands-On Workshop to improve analytical skills, offering direct experience with advanced PCR equipment and techniques.
  • Collaborative Sessions with seasoned researchers to exchange knowledge and discuss innovations in PCR technology.

Competency Certification

11 - 12 Oct 2024

For professionals looking to validate their skills, we offer competency certification in Information Technology fields

  • Competency Certification based on recognized competency schemes, enhancing your professional profile.
  • Nationally Recognized Certification Exams (BNSP) designed to benchmark and validate your expertise, providing you with an edge in your professional career.
  • Opportunities to Gain Recognition for your expertise in specialized areas through certification, opening doors to career advancement and industry recognition.

Explore Pahawang Island

15 Oct 2024

Join us for an unforgettable adventure to Pahawang Island, where crystal-clear waters and pristine beaches await. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, a diving aficionado, or simply seeking serenity, Pahawang offers something for everyone.

  • Explore multiple islands, each with its own charm and unique marine life.

  • Snorkeling and Diving into the vibrant underwater world of Pahawang’s coral reefs and nemos.

  • Cruise along the turquoise waters surrounding the island, with breathtaking views at every turn.

Conference Timeline

From initial submission to the grand finale, follow our detailed conference timeline to ensure you stay on track with key dates and deadlines, enriching your ICASMI experience every step of the way.

May, 25th

Initial Registration

Kickstart your ICASMI journey by registering during the Initial Registration to secure your spot and gain access to all conference materials and updates.

Oct, 10th

Registration Close

Mark your last chance to register with the Registration Close, ensuring your participation in the enriching discussions and presentations.

Oct, 10th

Submit Full Paper Deadline

Submit your Full Paper by October 7th to contribute your research and insights to the conference’s academic discourse.

Oct, 14-15th

Conference Day

Join us on October 14-15th for the Conference Day to engage with experts, share your findings, and expand your professional network.


To register for the conference, please proceed with the following steps:

  1. Transfer the registration fee to the account details provided below:
    • Account Number: 1855116095
    • Account Name: ICASMI 2024
    • Bank Name: BNI 46
  2. After completing the transfer, fill out the registration form by clicking the Registration button below. Ensure all details are accurate and upload the proof of payment within the form.

Please note: Your registration will be confirmed once our team has verified your payment. A confirmation email will be sent to finalize your registration. We look forward to welcoming you to the conference!

Registration Fees

Different categories and fees are established to accommodate all participants:

Participant Type
Oral PresenterEarly Bird (until Sept 23th until Oct 2th)IDR 1,000,000USD 65.00IDR 750,000USD 50.00
Reguler (Sept 24th until Oct 7th Oct 3th until 10th)IDR 1,200,000USD 75.00IDR 950,000USD 60.00
Poster PresenterEarly Bird (until Sept 23th until Oct 2th)IDR 1,000,000USD 65.00IDR 750,000USD 50.00
Reguler (Sept 24th until Oct 7th Oct 3th until 10th)IDR 1,200,000USD 75.00IDR 950,000USD 60.00
Non PresenterEarly Bird (until Sept 23th until Oct 2th)IDR 750,000USD 50.00IDR 580,000USD 35.00
Reguler (Sept 24th until Oct 7th Oct 3th until 10th)IDR 850,000USD 55.00IDR 600,000USD 40.00

*Student of FMIPA UNILA IDR 750,000
*Institutional Packages (group registrations) 3 persons (10% disc), >3 persons (15% disc)

    1. Please ensure the correct fee is paid according to your participation category and status.
    2. Payments made are NOT refundable after the deadline.
    3. Physical presenters and participants will get a meals, conference kit and certificate.
    4. The conference fee does not include the publication fee. Article processing charge (APC) or article publication fee may be imposed subject to the policy of the particular journal and proceeding recommended. Separate invoice will be sent to the authors for additional charge by the respective publication (if any).
    5. All accepted papers must be presented. Accepted papers without author participation in the assigned Session will be marked as a “no show” paper and will not be published.
    6. Publication fee will be charged further after peer reviewed completed.


Selected articles from the conference will have the esteemed opportunity to be published by Atlantis Press (the proceeding will be sent to Scopus for indexation). This presents a valuable platform for researchers and academics to disseminate their findings to a global audience, ensuring significant exposure and recognition within the scientific community. Take advantage of this chance to contribute to and be cited in the world of academic research.

Template ICASMI paper format Atlantis Press

Selected Papers will be Published by the following Journals:

  • Jurnal Analytical and Enviromental Chemistry (ANALIT), Chemistry, Sinta 3 
  • Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Fisika (JTAF), Physics, Sinta 3. 
  • Journal of Energy, Material, and Instrumentation Technology (JEMIT), Physics, Sinta 4. 
  • Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati (J-BEKH), Biology, Sinta 4.
  • Jurnal Pepadun, Computer Science, Sinta 4. 
  • Jurnal Komputasi, Computer Science, Sinta 4. 

Previous Publications


Emersia Hotel & Resort

Address: Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No.70, Pengajaran, Kec. Tlk. Betung Utara, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35214
Telepon: (0721) 258258

View on Map



ask us

The conference focuses on the harmonization and collaboration of Natural Sciences, Physics, Informatics, and Material Science for the advancement of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data.

ICASMI 2024 will be held on October 14-15 at the Emersia Hotel & Resort, located at Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No.70, Pengajaran, Kec. Tlk. Betung Utara, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35214.

Participants can register by transferring the registration fee to the specified bank account and then filling out the registration form available on the ICASMI website.

Selected articles will be published in the IOP Proceedings: Journal of Physics  of which is indexed by Scopus. This gives participants a great opportunity to have their work recognized globally.

Registration fees vary based on participant type (oral presenter, poster presenter, participant) and timing (early bird vs regular). Fees are detailed for both domestic and international participants and differ for online and offline participation.

Initial registration opens on May 25, registration closes on October 1, and the deadline for full paper submission is October 7.

Yes, there are workshops focused on PCR testing techniques and competency certification, scheduled for October 11-12, before the main conference days.

Physical presenters and participants will receive meals, a conference kit, and a certificate.

After payment, participants should fill out the registration form with accurate details and proof of payment. Registration will be confirmed via email after the organizing team verifies the payment.

contact us

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Lampung
Address: Jl. Soemantri Brodjonegoro no. 1 Gedung Meneng, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, 35145
Phone: 081269600111 (Ari)
Email: icasmi@fmipa.unila.ac.id

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